- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Fall, Soukeynatou, UNICEF
Farella, Joshua, University of Arizona
Farley, Jeremy, Former Extension Agent & Instructor, West Virginia University Extension Service
Farmer, James R., School of Public Health – Bloomington Indiana University
Farrar, Haley, Victoria University of Wellington
Faulkner, Ryan, University of Connecticut
Feigenbaum, Paul, Florida International University
Femrite, Stephanie, University of Missouri Extension
Fender, Jodi G., Long Beach Unified School District
Fenn, Meghann L., Oregon State University
Fenton, Melissa Pearman, University of Florida
Ferinde, Terri, Collaborative Communications
Ferrari, Theresa, Ohio 4-H Youth Development, Ohio State University Extension
Ferrari, Theresa M., The Ohio State University
Ferris, Kaitlyn A., Tufts University
Fields, Nia Imani, University of Maryland Extension 4-H Youth Development
Fife, Julie M., University of Maryland School of Public Health
Finau, Daleki (Fole), Unitec Institute of Technology
Fish, Jessica N., Department of Family Science, University of Maryland
Fisher, Bonnie S., University of Cincinnati
Flanigan, Timothy, RTI International
Flatt, Jenny, University of Missouri Extension
Fleming Robitaille, Jennifer L., Devereux Center for Resilient Children
Flesch, Jeffrey M., College of Public Health and Human Sciences, Oregon State University
Flesch, Jeffrey M., College of Public Health and Human Sciences, Oregon State University
Flores, Rita, Oklahoma State University
Flores, Santos, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Flynn, Erin, Institute for Human-Animal Connection, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver
Follmer-Reece, Holly E., Center for Adolescent Resiliency, Texas Tech University
Forenza, Brad, Montclair State University
Forneris, Tanya, The University of British Columbia
Forstadt, Leslie, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Fox, Janet, Agricultural and Extension Education and Evaluation, Louisiana State University
Fox, Janet, University of Tennessee Extension Institute of Agriculture
Fox, Julie, The Ohio State University
Franck, Karen L, The University of Tennessee, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
Franck, Karen L., University of Tennessee, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
Frankford, Evelyn, Frankford Consulting
Fraser-Thomas, Jessica, York University School of Kinesiology and Health Science
Frederick, III, Ray N., Queen's College, City University of New York
Fredrickson, Gereon J., Colorado State University
Freeman, Patti A., Brigham Young University
Frerichs, Saundra Wever, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Frey, Shandra Nicole, Utah State University Extension
Frisby, Michael, University of Michigan
Fritz, Gregory, Brown University, The Warren Albert Medical School
Fuentes, Vanessa E., The Catholic University of America
Fuhrman, Nicholas E., The University of Georgia, Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication
Furman, Melina, CONICET, Buenos Aires and School of Education, Universidad de San Andrés
Furutani, Elissa, Dana-Farber and Boston Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders Center, Harvard Medical School
Fusco-Rollins, Maryann, University of Connecticut
Gabriel, M. Gayle, Texas A&M University, Public Policy Research Institute
Gagnon, Ryan J., Clemson University
Gagnon, Ryan J., College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences, Clemson University
Gagnon, Ryan J., Clemson University (United States)
Gannon, T. Nigel, Cornell University, New York State 4-H Youth Development
Gansert, Patricia K., Boston College
Garcia, Jaime, Extend-A-Care
Garcia-Tapia, Ticiana, UNICEF
Garst, Barry A., Clemson University
Garst, Barry A., College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences, Clemson University
Garst, Barry A., Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management Clemson University
Garst, Barry A., Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management; Clemson University
Garst, Barry A., Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management, Clemson University
Garst, Barry A., Clemson University (United States)
Garst, Barry A., Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management; Clemson University
Gary, Faye A., Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing Case Western Reserve University
Gaskin, Erin R., Arizona State University
Gates, Carlye, RTI International
Gaudreault, Karen Lux, University of New Mexico
Gee, Kevin A., School of Education, University of California, Davis
Geldhof, G. John, Oregon State University
Giannella, Stephanie, Prime Time Palm Beach County
Gieng, John, San Jose State Univeristy
Gifford, Craig A., New Mexico State University
Gile Thomas, April, Univesity of Texas at El Paso, Department of Psychology
Gillard, Ann, The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp
Gimeno, Lorena, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
Giordono, Leanne S., Oregon State University
Gisi, Tessa, Truman State University
Glant, Lauren, ALLINBKLYN
Glik, Deborah, Fielding School of Public Health, University of California Los Angeles
Gliske, Kate, University of Minnesota
Glover, Troy D., University of Waterloo
Go, Charles, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Goldberg, Rebecca, S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
Goldstein-Gelb, W., The Welcome Project
Gomez, Belinda I., U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research
Goncy, Elizabeth A., Virginia Commonwealth University
Gonzalez, Maru, North Carolina State University
Gonzalez, Maru, North Carolina State University, Agricultural and Human Sciences (United States)
Good, Tillie, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
Goodwin, Bonni, Anne and Henry Zarrow School of Social Work, University of Oklahoma
Gordillo, Paola K., Texas Christian University, College of Education
Gordon, Barrie, Victoria University of Wellington
Gordon, David, University of Maryland Extension 4-H Youth Development and Agriculture
Grandgenett, Neal, University of Nebraska Omaha
Grant, Natalie, Wichita State University
Grant, Samantha, University of Minnesota Extension, Center for Youth Development
Green, Jr., Edwin, Stevenson University
Greenman, Seth, The College at Brockport/SUNY-Brockport
Guerra, Andres
Guild, Jessica, University of California Santa Cruz
Guisse, Bineta K., Feed the Future Senegal Youth in Agriculture, Virginia Tech
Gunter, Katherine B., Oregon State University, College of Public Health and Human Sciences
Gur, Shahar, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Gurdal, Sevtap, University West, Trollhättan
Gwinn, Kimberly, University of Tennessee
Haddock, Shelley A., Colorado State University
Hadiandehkordi, Parisa, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management; Clemson University
Haegele, Justin A., Old Dominion University
Hagler, Matthew, University of Massachusetts Boston
Hall, Ashley M., Washington State University
Hall, Georgia S., Wellesley Centers for Women, Wellesley College
Hall, Georgia S., National Institute on Out-of-School Time Wellesley College (United States)
Haller, Willaim, Clemson University
Ham, Heidi, National AfterSchool Association
Hampton, Jacqui, Unitec Institute of Technology
Hand, Taryn, University of Oregon
Harper, Kaitlyn, Johns Hopkins University
Harper Browne, Charlyn, Center for the Study of Social Policy
Harries, Kia, University of Minnesota Extension
Harrington, Rebecca, University of Minnesota Extension, Center for Youth Development
Harris, Andy, Utah State University
Harris, Josey M., Lenoir City High School
Harris, Keshia L., Renée Crown Wellness Institute, University of Colorado Boulder
Harris-Speight, Jasmine R., Mississippi State University
Harris, Jr., John C., Eugenio María de Hostos Charter School
Hart, Daniel, Institute for Educational Effectiveness, Rutgers University-Camden
Hart, Shelley R., California State University, Chico, and Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
Hartman, Cindy L., University of New Hampshire
Hashikawa, Andrew, Departments of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics, Michigan Medicine
Hassan, Noor Mohamed
Hawley, Leslie, Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation
Hays, Lonna, ICF
Healy, Elise, Research Utilization: Global Health, Population, and Nutrition, FHI 360
Heberlein, Emily, Georgia State University, Georgia Health Policy Center
Hegarty, C. Boyd, Independent Creativity Reseacher
Hein, Wendy, Oregon State University
Heintschel, Megan, Specialist in Global Regulatory Reporting
Hellman, Chan M., Anne and Henry Zarrow School of Social Work, University of Oklahoma
Heman, Parker, Truman State University
Hemphill, Michael A., University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Henderson, Karla A., North Carolina State University
Hendriks, Sarah, UN Women
Hennessey, Katharine A., Texas Christian University, College of Education
Henrich, Christopher C., Georgia State University
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