Aggressors, Victims and Bystanders: Preventing Bullying in the Middle School Environment


  • Rosemary V. Barnett University of Florida
  • M. A. Brennan The Pennsylvania State University



The research presented in this article examines the effects of implementing a prevention program for bullying and aggressive behaviors to sixth graders in 14 Florida middle schools. The evaluation was conducted as a control/experimental design. The primary goals of this manuscript are to determine: (a) the change from baseline student habits of thought related to violence prevention, (b) student habits of thought related to attitudes and physical behaviors related to violence, and (c) teacher perceptions of student attitudes and behaviors related to violence. Equally important, this study adds to our understanding of bullying prevention programs by examining the impact of an Aggressors,’ Victims’ and Bystanders’ program in terms of three dimensions: (1) teacher perceptions of student thoughts and behaviors related to their ability to solve conflict, (2) middle school student habits of thought about violence prevention, and (3) middle school student attitudes about behaviors associated with the prevention of violence, including aggressor behaviors and actions and bystander behaviors and actions.






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