Experience Journey Map: A New Experience Design Tool for Structuring Youth Activities


  • Gary D. Ellis Texas A&M University
  • Jingxian Jiang Texas A&M University
  • Darlene Locke Texas A&M University
  • Patti A. Freeman Brigham Young University
  • Kaylee Jorgensen Texas A&M University




experience journey maps, structured experiences, experience design, engagement, immersion, absorption


We introduce a new experience design tool, an experience journey map, to assist youth professionals in planning engagement, immersion, and absorption activities. Experience journey maps are based on customer journey maps, which are widely used in business service design. This new approach highlights strategies for engendering deep structured experiences during the activity. An experience journey map is a matrix of columns and rows. Columns represent the sequence of activity stages. Rows are experience-structuring strategies derived from the theory of structured experience. These strategies include service performance strategies, deep structured experience strategies, and engagement, immersion, and absorption strategies. We present a case study showing how the experience journey map can be used to plan impactful youth activities.

Author Biographies

Gary D. Ellis, Texas A&M University


Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences & AgriLife Research

Jingxian Jiang, Texas A&M University

Research Assistant Professor

Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences

Darlene Locke, Texas A&M University

Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist

AgriLife Extension

Patti A. Freeman, Brigham Young University


Department of Experience Design and Management

Kaylee Jorgensen, Texas A&M University

Graduate student

Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences


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