Enriching Intentional Youth Program Experiences Through Preflection, Action, and Reflection


  • Gary D. Ellis Texas A&M University
  • Darlene Locke Texas A&M University
  • Kaylee Jorgensen Texas A&M University
  • Jingxian Jiang Texas A&M University
  • Montza Williams Texas A&M University




preflection, reflection, experience, intentional programming


We examined effects of preflection, action, and reflection sessions on youth experiences during a 4‑H travel camp. The travel camp was one component of GLOBE, a 2-year Texas 4-H program with intentional goals of advancing understanding of agriculture, poverty, and world cultures. In morning preflection sessions, the 28 youth participants were instructed to take photographs during their day according to themes aligned with 1 of 2 of the program’s goals: building global citizenship and understanding poverty. Each day ended with a reflection session. Youth viewed a slideshow of their themed photographs. After the slideshows, youth completed questionnaires measuring elements of the quality of their subjective experiences during the slideshow: meaningfulness, perceived value of time spent, engagement, absorption, self-affirmation, and provocation. The affirmation preflection, action, and reflection sequence yielded significantly greater meaningfulness and perceived value of time spent. Effects were mediated by immediate subjective experiences of provocation, self-affirmation, absorption, and engagement.

Author Biographies

Gary D. Ellis, Texas A&M University

Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences; Texas A&M AgriLife Research

Darlene Locke, Texas A&M University

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

Kaylee Jorgensen, Texas A&M University

Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences

Jingxian Jiang, Texas A&M University

Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences

Montza Williams, Texas A&M University

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension


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