PEEPS: A Relational Framework for Incorporating Resilience Into Community-Based Programming for Youth




Youth, resilience, community, program, training


Youth in communities across the world are exposed to adversity and trauma at high levels. In this article, we describe a research-informed, resilience-promoting framework that can be incorporated into a variety of touch points for youth (e.g., school, family, community, extra-curricular activities). The PEEPS Framework is relational in nature and includes the following five interconnected components: (a) positive adult relationships, (b) esteem, (c) empathy, (d) peer relationships, and (e) strengths-based approach. We outline the research that supports each component, describe how we are currently implementing the PEEPS framework in the form of a volunteer training, and offer research-based suggestions for implementation and tools that other professionals can utilize.

Author Biographies

Christine E. Leistner, California State University, Chico

Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Health and Health Services Administration

Shelley R. Hart, California State University, Chico, and Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health

Associate Professor in the Department of Child Development at California State University, Chico

Research Associate at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health


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