Increasing Latinx Youth Engagement Across Different Types of After-School Organizations


  • Fe Moncloa University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources
  • Nancy Erbstein University of California, Davis
  • Aarti Subramaniam University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources



Latinx youth development, out-of-school organizations


This article explores how Latinx youth engagement practices vary across different types of out-of-school organizations that successfully sustain Latinx youth participation. Data are drawn from a qualitative study of 13 California organizations that each emphasize one of 3 missions: social justice youth development, “one-stop” wrap-around services, or academic enrichment. While all organizations are found to adhere to a core set of Latinx youth development guiding principles, there are nuanced differences in how they are operationalized in practice across varied organization types, reflecting variation in terms of discourse, scale, and scope. These findings highlight the need for youth development practitioners and collaborating researchers to understand the context of youth-serving organizations when identifying and implementing promising practices and extension programs.

Author Biographies

Fe Moncloa, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources

University of California, Cooperative Extension

4-H Youth Development Program, Full Title VI CE Advisor

Ph.D. in Education

Nancy Erbstein, University of California, Davis

Associate Vice Provost of Global Education for All, Global Affairs

Associate Professor in Residence, School of Education


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