Assessing Risk Management Knowledge of Florida 4-H Professionals Relating to Shooting Sports


  • Matt Benge University of Florida
  • Genevieve Mendoza University of Florida
  • Glenn D. Israel University of Florida



risk management, competencies, shooting sports, 4-H


Florida is one of 48 states that offer shooting sports as part of their 4-H program. While young people participating in 4-H shooting sports gain valuable life skills, what has remained unclear are the skills needed by county 4-H agents to manage the risks associated with offering the program. A needs assessment was conducted to identify Florida 4-H agents’ perceived level of competency in program procedural standards and program leadership accountability as it relates to managing a county 4-H shooting sports program. The results of the study demonstrated that Florida 4-H agents recognized the value of having program procedural standards and program leadership accountability but lacked the knowledge and skills to implement them as part of managing the risks associated with providing a 4-H shooting sports program. In addition, specific needs identified by respondents to better prepare county 4‑H agents to manage the program were training, equipment, curriculum, and better communication from the Florida 4-H state office. Florida 4-H should provide prioritized training, resources, and curriculum development to better prepare county 4-H agents with managing their county 4-H shooting sports programs.

Author Biographies

Matt Benge, University of Florida

Matt Benge is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication at the University of Florida.

Genevieve Mendoza, University of Florida

Geneveive is a county 4-H agent at UF/IFAS Extension Levey County.

Glenn D. Israel, University of Florida

Glenn Israel is a Professor in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication at the University of Florida.


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Research & Evaluation Studies