Feasibility and Fit of a Mental Health Promotion Program for LGBTQ+ Youth


  • Alicia Lapointe The University of Western Ontario
  • Caely Dunlop The University of Western Ontario
  • Claire Crooks The University of Western Ontario




adolescence, education, LGBTQ, positive youth development, program evaluation, qualitative methods


This study evaluated the feasibility and fit of a mental health promotion and violence prevention program adapted for LGBTQ+ youth (ages 14-18). The pilot program included 16 30-minute sessions and was implemented in 8 gender and sexuality alliances (GSAs) and one community youth group setting. Extensive feedback was collected from 11 facilitators via session tracking sheets, ongoing email communication, an implementation survey, and a focus group; and from 7 youth who participated in a variety of feedback activities during a 2-day post-program workshop. Results indicated a strong interest in formalized programming, challenges related to its delivery in GSAs, and significant issues with its content. Facilitators and youth advocated for the program to be more affirmative, include youth-centered notions of identities and expressions, be trauma-informed, include a wider range of relationships, and adopt a youth-led approach.


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