Creating Community Capacity through Youth Empowerment: A Case Study of Rural Nicaragua


  • Carla Andrea Millares Forno Texas Tech University
  • Amy E. Boren Texas Tech University



Children, 4-S clubs, community development, empowerment


Rural youth development in Nicaragua has experienced a rebirth with the re-introduction of 4-H (4-S in Spanish) after nearly two decades in dormancy. This case study explored 4-S through the eyes of 94 young club members, ages 9 to 13. Using sentence completion methods, youth provided insight into the activities they found most interesting and important. Their responses were then compared with the socioeconomic and demographic realities of the youth. Findings reveal deep connections between youth and their communities and culture. Entrepreneurial activities, agriculture, and work were important to the young people, indicating a strong sense of responsibility for contributing to their families and communities. Understanding 4-S members’ interests and ideas can serve local leaders in developing activities that reflect members’ interests and tap into their strengths. 


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