Book Review—Reclaiming Community: Race and the Uncertain Future of Youth Work


  • Ishmael A. Miller University of Washington, Seattle



after-school program, youth workers, youth development, community based organization


Reclaiming Community: Race and the Uncertain Future of Youth Work (Baldridge, 2019) presents a case study of a community-based after-school organization that supports youth cultural, identity, academic, and political development. This book highlights the organization as it tries to navigate neoliberal educational reforms. 

Author Biography

Ishmael A. Miller, University of Washington, Seattle

Ishmael Miller (M.A., School of Education, The University of Mississippi) is a 3rd year Ph.D student studying Educational Policy, Organizations, and Leadership at the University of Washington-Seattle (UW). Miller’s research focuses on race, equity, and leading out of school time organizations 


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