Life Skill Influence of Consumer Decision Making Program: Intensity and Breadth


  • Carrie Ann Olson University of Minnesota Extension
  • Sara R. Croymans University of Minnesota Extension
  • Kangting Ji University of Minnesota Extension



The study presented in this paper focuses on an important aspect of life-event decision making: Consumer Decision Making. The purpose of the reported research was to ascertain if there is correlation between participating in the 4-H Consumer Decision Making (CDM) Program and life skill development. The study identified twelve life skills. The research hypothesis was that participants involved in multiple opportunities of the CDM program will report higher levels of positive life skill development than individuals reporting minimal involvement. Participants reported the 4-H CDM Program influenced development of decision making, critical thinking, and useful/ marketable life skills. The study investigated the relationship between member participation in eight core CDM program opportunities in Minnesota 4-H and life skill development. The study found that county fair project exhibit, county day camp, state consumer decision making educational activity/field trip, and consumer decision making judging contests have significant influence on life skills. It was determined that participants involved in more opportunities (6-8) reported greater influence on life skill development than participants in only 1-2 program opportunities.






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