Ambiguous, Affective, and Arduous: Volunteers’ Invisible Work With Young Adults




volunteer work, young adults, invisible work, needs for support, Finland


Mentoring has been regarded as a promising way to reach at-risk youth and to strengthen the protective factors. This article focuses on emotions, reflections, and challenges that adult volunteers face in trying to establish and maintain a friend relationship with young adults in a multicomponent mentor setting in Finland. Based on our participatory observations in volunteering, a focus group discussion with volunteers and facilitators of volunteering, and interviews with young adults we analyze the nature of volunteers’ actions as invisible work as characterized by Devault (1999). We argue that invisible work should be recognized as a significant part of volunteering in a multi-component mentoring setting. The main findings in this particular case are the following: (a) There are limitations in short-term and project-based work in establishing meaningful relationships between young people and the volunteers/staff. (b) The volunteers are not always equipped to address the material and mental health support needs of the young people. (c) The organizational focus aiming to improve the volunteers’ experience does not solve all the problems related to volunteers’ interaction with young adults, such as fragmented and short-term youth services created by neoliberal policies that the young adults struggle with. 

Author Biographies

Jenni Mölkänen, University of Helsinki

Jenni Mölkänen is post-doctoral researcher in the University of Eastern Finland. She is trained as an anthropologist and has conducted research of large-scale environmental conservation efforts, natural resource use, and local perceptions in northeastern Madagascar. She has worked in a multidisciplinary youth project, ALL-YOUTH focusing on young people’s transitions to adulthood and wellbeing in the Sustainability Institute (HELSUS) of the University of Helsinki. 

Päivi Honkatukia, Tampere University

Päivi Honkatukia is a professor of Youth Research at Tampere University in Finland. She is educated as sociologist and has conducted research in the fields of socio-legal studies, youth research and gender studies. Currently she leads research projects focusing on youth participation and inclusion in society, young people’s transitions to adulthood and young people’s negotiations around sexual consent. 


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