Learning, Idea Sharing, and Transfer From a State 4-H Camp Counselor Workshop


  • Hannah K. Epley The Ohio State University
  • Christy D. Clary The Ohio State University
  • Erin S. Dailey The Ohio State University




camp counselor, competency, skill development, teens, training


Making eXtreme Counselors is a winter statewide camp counselor training workshop to prepare for the camp season. This training brings teens throughout Ohio together to help prepare them to serve as camp counselors in their own counties. Participants engage in competency-focused breakout sessions led by a variety of 4-H professionals, keynote presentations, and peer-to-peer sharing and interactions. To evaluate the workshop’s impact on the summer camping program, data from both teen participants and the 4-H professionals who worked with them were collected following the program for 3 years. Results indicated high ratings on gaining or enhancing skills related to leadership, teamwork, and the camping-related competencies covered in the workshop. In addition, the results indicated that participants shared ideas learned at the workshop with others and transferred their learning from the training to their performance as a camp counselor. Youth development professionals can adopt similar training strategies to enhance participants’ skills.

Author Biographies

Hannah K. Epley, The Ohio State University

Assistant Professor

Interim Associate State 4-H Leader

Extension Specialist, 4-H Camping & Older Youth Program


Christy D. Clary, The Ohio State University

Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development

Erin S. Dailey, The Ohio State University

Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development


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