The Impact of Volunteering: A Multi-State Study of 4-H Youth Development Volunteers


  • Samantha Grant University of Minnesota Extension, Center for Youth Development
  • Sarah Maass Kansas State University Research and Extension
  • Rachelle Vettern North Dakota State University Extension, Center for 4-H Youth Development
  • Rebecca Harrington University of Minnesota Extension, Center for Youth Development
  • Kandi O’Neil University of Wisconsin-Madison, Division of Extension
  • Patricia McGlaughlin University of Illinois Extension
  • Tillie Good Iowa State University Extension and Outreach



volunteer, impact, 4-H youth development, value, organization


Volunteers are vital to youth development programming as a key piece of the workforce. This evaluation measured the impact of volunteers in the 4-H youth development program and demonstrated the value volunteers bring to youth development environments. The north central region 4-H volunteer impact study was conducted with volunteers in the 4-H Youth Development program across 12 states. The purpose of the study was to better understand the value of being a 4-H volunteer. Results showed that volunteers personally benefited from their involvement in these settings by becoming more experienced at working with youth and by learning skills that transferred to other settings. Volunteers also served as guides for youth as they gained leadership skills and gave back to their communities. In addition, the Extension organization benefits included volunteer time, donations of money and supplies, and volunteers serving as ambassadors for youth development programs.


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