Cultural Immersion Camps and Development of Ethnic Identity in Asian American Youth


  • Yi-Ju Wu Texas A&M University
  • Corliss Outley Texas A&M University
  • David Matarrita-Cascante Texas A&M University



ethnic identity, Asian American youth, cultural immersion camp


The purpose of this study was to explore camp outcomes specialized in ethnic identity among Asian American youth after they participated in a residential cultural immersion camp. In this study, the cultural immersion camp is viewed as a mediating factor that channels other influences in such a way as to guide Asian American youth to commit more expressly and more fully to their perception of ethnic identity. The results obtained from 3 cultural immersion camps located in the Western United States reveals that cultural immersion camp experiences significantly increase perceived levels of ethnic identity among Asian American youth. Implications of cultural immersion camp on the development of Asian American youth are discussed.


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