Disability Inclusion in 4-H: Aligned with the Mission, Stopped Short by Methods


  • Jennifer J. Taylor-Winney Western Oregon University
  • Leanne S. Giordono Oregon State University
  • Marilyn K. Lesmeister Oregon State University
  • Meghann L. Fenn Oregon State University
  • Gloria Krahn Oregon State University




disability inclusion, 4-H, out-of-school, theory of planned behavior, staff


Quality out-of-school programs can significantly improve youth development outcomes. Youth with disabilities and special health care needs, who represent 19% of all youth, are less likely than their typically developing peers to participate in out-of-school activities. This qualitative study explored factors that influence the inclusion of youth with disabilities in one state’s 4-H program. Factors that facilitated inclusion were personal attitudes and subjective norms, but lack of knowledge and limited resources led to reactive problem solving rather than proactive, organizational planning. By identifying both the factors that facilitate inclusion and those that prevent it or are perceived as barriers, youth development professionals can target areas of focus to improve inclusion of youth with disabilities in 4-H and potentially other youth development programs.

Author Biographies

Jennifer J. Taylor-Winney, Western Oregon University

Jennifer Taylor-Winney Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Division of Health and Exercise Science

Western Oregon University

Leanne S. Giordono, Oregon State University

Doctoral Candidate

School of Public Policy

Marilyn K. Lesmeister, Oregon State University

Associate Professor

Extension 4-H Youth Development

College of Social and Behavioral Health Sciences

Meghann L. Fenn, Oregon State University

Doctoral Candidate

College of Public Health and Human Sciences

Gloria Krahn, Oregon State University

Barbara Emily Knudson Endowed Chair in Family Policy Studies

College of Public Health and Human Sciences


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