2021 Annual List of Reviewers

We are deeply grateful to the following reviewers for lending their time and expertise to complete reviews in the challenging year of 2021: Karlyn R. Adams-Wiggins
Jennifer Agans
Brenda Allen
Dawn Anderson-Butcher
Miriam R. Arbeit
Thomas Archibald
Mary Elizabeth Arnold
Parissa Ballard
Samantha Bates
Matt Benge
Deb Bialeschki
Lynne Borden
Sarah Ann Bush
Denmark Palatic Butic
Eliza Chard
Rachael Lee Ficke Clemons
Michael Compton
Amy Crumbaugh
Mary Ann Devine
Mat Duerden
Jeremy Elliott-Engel
Melissa Sue Fenton
Theresa M. Ferrari
Melanie Miller Foster
Nigel Gannon
Julie Garden-Robinson
Barry A. Garst
Ann Gillard
Erika Grafsky
Samantha B. Grant
Aisha GriffithPinar Burcu Güner
Matthew Hagler
Augustus W. Hallmon
Cynthia Harding
Karla Henderson
Rachel Hershberg
Laura Hinson
Jeff Wayne Howard
Anne Marie Iaccopucci
James Eric Jackson
Jenn Jacobs
Virginia Killian Lund
Elizabeth Kim
Steven Lateef Krauss
Andrew Lacanienta
Natalie Larez
Lisa A. Lauxman
Trang Le
Amy Leman
Alex Lin
Michelle Lopez
Aerika Brittian Loyd
Harold Manzano-Sanchez
Margaret Martin
Corinne McKamey
Yu Meng
Nicole Mishnick
Shelley Elizabeth Mitchell
Vernelle Mitchell-Hawkins
Casey D. Mull
Tarkington J. Newman
Christina Olenik
McKenna Parnes
Rachel S. Pienta
Victoria Povilaitis
Joe Rand
Eugene Roehlkepartain
Jessica Russo
Jeff Sallee
Keri Schwab
Sarah Schwartz
Ben Silliman
Ashlee Lester Sjogren
Jennifer A. Skuza
Shelly Sloper
Elizabeth Starr
Kali Trzesniewski
Jennifer Brown Urban
Paulina Velez-Gomez
Felipe Vilanova
Leah Michelle Wallace
Michele Walsh
Hui-Hui Wang
Nicole Webster
Shannon Whaley
Alison White
Naria Alexandria Willis
Peter Witt
Nicole Yohalem