PYD and Professional Development of Youth Organizations


  • Jeremy W. Green Oregon State University
  • Jamie M. Davis Oregon State University



This article shares the results of a study conducted in Oregon which investigates the professional and volunteer development needs of (non 4-H) youth-serving organizations related to positive youth development (PYD). This study elicited feedback from 49 youth-serving organizations through a comprehensive survey. Information gathered included organization demographics (reach, size of staff and use of volunteers), current staff and volunteer development opportunities and requirements and interest in offering staff and volunteer training opportunities related to PYD. The results of this study indicate youth-serving organizations not only recognize the importance of a PYD approach, but also seek staff and volunteer development opportunities to strengthen the PYD capacity within their organizations. The results of this study provide direct implications for 4-H professionals. Due to linkages to the Cooperative Extension System and Land Grant Universities, coupled with 4-H’s intricate understanding of PYD theory and practice, 4-H professionals have the ability to be the resource and voice for PYD in communities served. 






Research & Evaluation Studies