4-H Volunteer Attainment of Quality Positive Youth Development Practices


  • Sarah T. Hensley University of Florida, IFAS Extension 4-H
  • Heather C. Kent University of Florida, IFAS Extension 4-H
  • Brent A. Broaddus University of Florida, IFAS Extension 4-H
  • Stacey Ellison University of Florida, IFAS Extension 4-H
  • Shane T. Michael University of Florida, IFAS Extension 4-H
  • Vanessa Spero University of Florida, IFAS Extension 4-H




positive youth development, volunteer, essential elements, evaluation


The University of Florida 4-H program evaluated volunteer perceptions of behavior adoption resulting from the completion of training focused on best practices that promote positive youth development. The evaluation effort was a quasi-experimental design that surveyed all enrolled volunteers electronically. The survey was designed to determine the types and frequency of training that 4-H volunteers participated in, their satisfaction with the training, the volunteer’s role of service, and outcomes of adopting best practices of program quality. A response rate of 27% (n = 340) provided a representative sample of the enrolled volunteers across demographic categories and geographical regions of the state. The results show that volunteers report practicing elements of positive youth development as categorized by the Essential Elements framework and that correlations between the type of training volunteers participate in and their implementation of quality practices are significant. Implications for volunteer trainings include the consideration of frequency, expanding opportunities beyond traditional delivery, and incorporating training elements that promote high-quality youth programming. This evaluation effort provides baseline data that informs future research for the Florida 4-H program.

Author Biography

Sarah T. Hensley, University of Florida, IFAS Extension 4-H

Sarah Hensley is a State Specialized Extension Agent III with the University of Florida IFAS Extension.  She has been employed by Extension since 2003 and works in the 4-H department specialized in program development, curricula, and evaluation.  Sarah served as a county 4-H agent for 10 years prior to moving into a regional role, and then her current position.  Sarah is an advocate of for high-quality positive youth development programs and enjoys the opportunities she has to work directly with youth through her work on the statewide 4-H University planning committee.  She is passionate about youth work through 4-H programs and strives to support agents, staff, and volunteers across Florida.


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