New Website Launch


The Journal of Youth Development Publications Committee would like to welcome you to the new Journal of Youth Development website and publishing platform. The transition to a fully open access peer-reviewed journal is the result of long term investments made by the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents and the National Afterschool Association. To celebrate the launch of the new site, a special issue was commissioned on promoting character development with guest editors Andrea Vest Ettekal, Kristina Schmid Callina, and Richard M. Lerner, from the Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development at Tufts University. Whether a reader, past author, potential author, or someone who just discovered the Journal of Youth Development, we hope your experience moving forward will be positive as we work together to bridge the gap between research and practice in our field. In the coming months, this site will be populated with Journal of Youth Development past issues and articles. In contrast to the previous website, this site will allow readers to search context by key word, author, or title.  In addition the new publishing platform will offer numerous features for author, reviews, and readers such as new electronic submission and review process.